Holiday home

Maison Lardon

Would you like a holiday home within 5 minutes of beautiful nature? Or would you rather be within 5 minutes from a lively town with all facilities?



Maison Lardon

A lovely holiday home for 6 (in consultation 8) people, located on the outskirts of a lively town. The house is equipped with everything you need. Several bakeries, 2 supermarkets, restaurants and much more! All this within 5 to 10 minutes on foot or by bike.

In the vicinity of Luzy, there is plenty to do, including enjoying nature.



Things to do


Autun is the nearest larger city. Here you can find various remains from Roman times, such as an open-air theater. 

La Boulaye

Something you might not expect to find is the Buddhist temple of La Boulaye. An impressively beautiful building and garden.


You can also swim in the river Arroux in various places. But perhaps the most beautiful place is at Saint Nizier sur Arroux.

Bibracte op Mont Beuvray

In Bibracte on Mont Beuvray there are large Gallo-Roman excavations in a great hiking forest. 

©Celine Bacconnet

©Antoine Maillier-Centre archéologique européen de Bibracte

Book your holiday now!

Lovely holiday home on the southern edge of the Morvan in Luzy. Suitable for 6-8 people, equipped with all conveniences. Supermarkets, shops, and restaurants within walking distance (0.5 – 1 km).